![Lobby 10](/sites/default/files/img/2021-01/lobby-10-interior.jpg)
NASEM progress
An Implementation Team continues to advance the recommendations of the working groups MIT charged following a landmark National Academies report on gender and sexual harassment in academia.
Staff hires in VPR/IDHR
Prioritize hiring for key positions: director of student advocacy in Violence Prevention and Response (VPR), alternative dispute resolution cordinator in the Institute Discrimination and Harassment Response Office (IDHR) and an education specialist in IDHR.
MIT has hired for all three positions.
Committed to Caring
Elevate the stature of the Committed to Caring Award to uplift faculty creating an inclusive climate.
In 2019, Committed to Caring launched the Faculty Peer Mentorship Program to recognize faculty who serve as mentors to new MIT faculty for a minimum of one year. MIT News publishes regular stories highlighting C2C honorees.
DEIC staff hires in schools/college
Appoint senior staff to advance diversity, equity, inclusion and community efforts in all five schools and the college.
MIT’s five schools and the college have hired assistant deans for DEI, who have a dotted-line reporting relationship to the vice president for equity and inclusion. The schools of Engineering, Sloan and Science have also appointed faculty to serve as associate deans focused on issues of DEI. And many academic departments have hired diversity officers.
Harassment training
Offer more in-person workshops and online curricula to help prevent harassment and teach techniques for intervening, mentoring and creating a more diverse MIT.
All new employees (faculty and staff) and students (undergraduate and graduate) must now take an online training on sexual/gender-based harassment during orientation. All undergraduates receive annual training. Beginning January 2021, MIT initiated a phased rollout of additional training for faculty, staff and graduate students (3rd year and above); the training is required every two years. Separately, MIT now provides in-person training on sexual/gender-based harassment at orientation for new department heads and new faculty.
Training for Academic Council
Identify ongoing training topics for Academic Council.
Academic Council now undergoes training every year. Recent topics have addressed harassment, marginalization, power imbalances, personal accountability, and combatting antisemitism and Islamophobia.
Training for managers and supervisors
Identify additional training opportunities and resources for managers and supervisors focused on supporting a team of diverse individuals, creating a climate of inclusivity and addressing concerns.
Human Resources has updated and enhanced the training and resources available to managers, with an emphasis on the mindset, skills and behaviors needed to establish a respectful and inclusive work environment. These tools are designed to heighten managers’ awareness of the power dynamics inherent in their relationships with direct reports.
Statement of shared values
Engage the community in developing a statement of shared values.
In April 2022, following an extensive process of community engagement, MIT released the Institute values statement.
Complaint policy
Introduce a revised policy for handling complaints of discriminatory or harassing behavior by faculty or staff, and commit to report anonymized information about these complaints.
MIT has strengthened its complaint policies, created a central hub for reporting discriminatory treatment and strengthened whistleblower channels and non-retaliation and confidentiality protections, as detailed in a letter from the president in December 2020. Separately, in December 2021 MIT updated a newly retitled policy called “Confidentiality and Privacy.” The change responded to a recommendation by a working group that reviewed MIT’s policies and practices in the context of formal complaints, with the aim of balancing the Institute’s commitment to transparency and privacy in addressing unwelcome and inappropriate behavior.
Transitional funding
Develop transitional funding for graduate students in all departments.
With input from the academic deans, department heads and student leaders, in spring 2021 MIT finalized plans for an accessible transitional funding program to lower the barriers some graduate students experience when they change research advisors or groups.
Training for postdocs
Develop a system for regular trainings of postdocs in areas including mentorship, power dynamics, reporting options and protections, bias, harassment and discrimination.
MIT now provides information on relevant policies and reporting options in orientation materials for postdocs. Postdocs must also undergo training on these topics every two years.
Mentoring for graduate students
Develop a plan to improve mentoring for graduate students.
In April 2023, Professors Paula Hammond and Tim Jamison, co-chairs of the ad hoc committee on graduate advising and mentoring, released the committee’s final report—a compilation of the draft report and community feedback—which provides a roadmap for promoting a culture of excellence in mentoring and advising, and fostering the well-being, research, and professional development of graduate students, faculty, and thesis supervisors. Separately, in fall 2020 Academic Council approved a revision to Policies and Procedures 3.2, Tenure Process, making excellence in mentoring and advising an explicit criterion in the tenure review process.
Sexual misconduct survey for faculty and staff
Develop and disseminate a sexual misconduct survey for faculty and staff.
During the 2023-24 academic year, MIT surveyed staff and faculty on sexual harassment and misconduct.